Safety Restraint Chair Inc. is a family owned business based in the Midwest. The chair frame is manufactured in Iowa while it is powder coated and assembled in Nebraska. The restraint chair has been sold across the US, in Canada, and internationally in 22 countries like Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and South Korea. The Company's values are based on its midwest roots where those values determine how we treat our customers, employees, contractors, and our community. Our mission is to provide the most humane restraint chair that keeps people safe and reduces the chance of injury.
In 1994, the Sheriff of Crawford County, Iowa was using the typical ways of restraining warranted detainees with handcuffs, leg irons, and boards. He was concerned about the safety of both his handlers and the detainees and thought there should be a better way of restraining them. His objective was to reduce the risk of injury and potential liability for the Sheriff's Office. He also wanted a way to safely transport the detainees around the jail, to medical facilities when needed, and to Court for legal appearances. He thought about some type of chair with wheels crossed with a dolly, and the restraint chair was born. He built one for his own needs and soon the neighboring County Sheriffs heard about it and had to have one. With that, a new business was started! Over the next 2 years, the restraint chair was refined and built for production. He applied and received a U.S. Patent for the commercialized restraint chair. It has become a very successful product in the US and Canada and is now being sold internationally.